Russian GRU, China MSS, Iran VAJA and North Korea RGB agreed to counter balance the CIA Global Reach
Is the CIA honeymoon comes to and end?
According to the intelligence information of reliable sources, a four-way secret intelligence meeting was held at the headquarters of SVR-RF in Yasinyu, Russia, between China's MSS, Iran's VAJA and North Korea's RGB. According to the sources, the meeting was held in the afternoon in one of the most secure palaces in Russia, which was chaired by members of the GRU and special representatives of Vladimir Putin. The participants of the meeting, including the special friend of President Putin and the founder of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, and the names of other participants’ names are redacted due to security reasons. This meeting is held in such an extraordinary situation that on the one hand, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Burns, met with President Zelensky and representatives of the Ukrainian intelligence agency in Kiev last weekend.